Global Conference on Communication for Development

Today starts "Voice and Matter", the fourth annual Communication for Development event arranged by Ørecomm. Last year PM4D was there. This year we'll follow them online.

"Voice, and the polyphony of concepts related to it – such as participation, agency, narrative and civic engagement – is crucial in any vision of democracy and a just society. For those whose life depends on the material dimension of development, gaining and exercising voice relates directly to critical matters like life conditions, health services, employment, education and environment."

Oficina de Media - Media Workshops,in Portugal

In sequence of the projects listed here, and being back in Portugal working in human dimensions of nature conservation, I developed the Oficina de Media. For now, I've been facilitating Participatory Photography workshops in collaboration with local Libraries and local youth. The developments of this project are not clear, but are ongoing. Keep informed at: