What I FOUND TODAY - Theater for Development

So far the information as been always on Participatory Video, finally here is something different.

Is Theatre included in media, maybe if you film it too? Yes. Actually during PV processes drama is inevitably used. So interesting... Anyone knows more projects on this?

Participatory Theatre for Conflict Transformation: Training Manual, by Lena Slachmuijlder and Don Tshibanda.

This 2009 book documents what Search for Common Ground (SFCG) has learned using participatory theatre for conflict transformation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Participatory theatre is an approach in which the actors interact with the public, based on a real problem. Throughout the participatory event, the public participates to adapt, change, or correct a situation, an attitude or a behaviour that is developed during the show. "We believe that dealing with conflict constructively is a skill that can be developed, and participatory theatre is a powerful tool in developing that skill."