In late November, 2012, with support of WWF/TNC Project in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, I facilitated a four-day PM4D workshop. Following the method, the process was carried out with the Women's Group of Mola Village. This is a Bajau Village, where people live on the sea and semi-detached from land, having a different set of beliefs and traditions from the land communities. The entire Wakatobi Regency is defined as the Wakatobi Marine National Park. Currently, international NGOs and Government are joining efforts to reach a common vision for Wakatobi's eco-tourism industry development. The Bajau Villages (Mola and Sampela) are points of touristic attraction. WWF has shown interest in increasing the involvement of the local community in the design of Wakatobi's vision, hence this PM4D project.
The women's group has independently formed a workshop for creating handicrafts with recycled and local materials. They agreed to participate in PM4D without any financial compensation and for the full four days. A room in the village from the local government was used for the group exercises. The screening took place in their workshop. Later on, they repeated the screening.
From the workshop, a photo-story and a participatory video were made. The group declared to have learn much, also about group work. Some ground-rules, such as listening to each others comments and letting everyone take part in the activities, were new and welcomed. The participants showed interest in doing other videos by themselves. They were very proud and consented full dissemination of the video.
Currently the video is awaiting translation.
Some photos from the PM4D worskhop: